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Kutxabank logoKutxabank is a bank founded on January 1, 2012 as a result of integration banking businesses of three Basque savings banks: BBK (including CajaSur), Kutxa and Caja Vital, which are transferred their financial business and customer base.

Kutxabank, 3.0 out of 5 based on 6 ratings

In the first quarter of 2013, the bank had a network of 1,160 offices.

In the Basque Country, the bank operates under the BBK and Caja Vital Kutxa brands, in Andalusia and Extremadura, as a CajaSur Bank, and in the rest of Spain under the Kutxabank brand.

Business data

Net profit (2012): € 84.6 million
Assets (2013): € 65940.2 million

Kutxabank head office address

Gran Vía, 30-32
48009 Bilbao, Vizcaya, España

Phone: 900 44 55 66

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