Banks in Spain:

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Branches and ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Valencia, Spain

In the list below you'll find Branches and ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Valencia, Spain with addresses, contact phone numbers and office hours (if applicable).

The list of offices with ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Valencia, Spain with contacts, location addresses and working hours. 

Branch 641 de Kutxa en Alzira, Valencia
Address: Plaza Mayor, 58
ZIP Code: 46600
Locality: Alzira
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 962455807
Fax: 962455812

Branch 2503 de Kutxa en Gandía, Valencia
Address: Paseo de las Germanies, 58
ZIP Code: 46702
Locality: Gandía
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 962966846
Fax: 962966606

Branch 464 de Kutxa en Mislata, Valencia
Address: Avenida del Sur, 1
ZIP Code: 46920
Locality: Mislata
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963136360
Fax: 963136364

Branch 604 de Kutxa en Puerto De Sagunto, Valencia
Address: Avenida del Cid, 1, esq. Camp de Morvedre
ZIP Code: 46520
Locality: Puerto De Sagunto
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 962698330
Fax: 962698334

Branch 568 de Kutxa en Torrent, Valencia
Address: Avenida al vedat, 55
ZIP Code: 46900
Locality: Torrent
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 961588738
Fax: 961588756

Branch 454 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Jeronimo Muñoz, 32
ZIP Code: 46007
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963168130
Fax: 963168134

Branch 455 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Gran Via Fernando El Catolico, 1
ZIP Code: 46008
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963540490
Fax: 963540494

Branch 456 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Avenida de la Constitucion, 222-224
ZIP Code: 46009
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963653660
Fax: 963653664

Branch 473 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Consulat del Mar, 4
ZIP Code: 46006
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963163610
Fax: 963163614

Branch 508 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Gran Via Marques de Turia, 42
ZIP Code: 46005
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963354725
Fax: 963554733

Branch 509 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Santos Justo y Pastor, 65
ZIP Code: 46022
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963567599
Fax: 963567605

Branch 538 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Doctor Calatayud Baya, 2-4
ZIP Code: 46015
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963493203
Fax: 963493241

Branch 762 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Archiduque Carlos, 46
ZIP Code: 46014
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963588564
Fax: 963588580

Branch 764 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Doctor Moliner, 4
ZIP Code: 46010
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963392172
Fax: 963392228

Branch 896 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Alboraya, 23
ZIP Code: 46010
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963393291
Fax: 963393297

Branch 526 de Kutxa en Valencia, Valencia
Address: Archiduque Carlos, 46
ZIP Code: 46014
Locality: Valencia
Province: Valencia
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 963575365
Fax: 963575444

Location: Spain, Valencia

This bank rating:
GD Star Rating
Branches and ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Valencia, Spain 3 out of 5 based on 6 ratings.


Kutxabank is a bank founded on January 1, 2012 as a result of integration banking businesses of three Basque savings banks: BBK (including CajaSur), Kutxa and Caja Vital, which are transferred their financial business and customer base. Read more »