Banks in Spain:

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Branches and ATMs of Catalunya Caixa Bank in Cordoba, Spain

In the list below you'll find Branches and ATMs of Catalunya Caixa Bank in Cordoba, Spain with addresses, contact phone numbers and office hours (if applicable).

The list of offices with ATMs of Catalunya Caixa Bank in Cordoba, Spain with contacts, location addresses and working hours. 

Córdoba, Córdoba
Address: Av. Almogavares, 65
ZIP Code: 14006
Locality: Córdoba
Province: Córdoba
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:15 to 14:00, Thursday also from 16:30 to 19:45
Tel.: 957272220

Branch 1611 of Catalunya Caixa Bank in Córdoba, Córdoba
Address: C/ Jose Maria Martorell, 8
ZIP Code: 14005
Locality: Córdoba
Province: Córdoba
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:15 to 14:00, Thursday also from 16:30 to 19:45
Tel.: 957456491

Branch 1559 of Catalunya Caixa Bank in Córdoba, Córdoba
Address: C/ Ronda de los Tejares, 25
ZIP Code: 15008
Locality: Córdoba
Province: Córdoba
Opening hours: De 8:15h a 14h todos los días entre semana y los jueves de 16:30h a 19:45h
Tel.: 957497683

Lucena, Córdoba
Address: C/ El Peso, 6
ZIP Code: 14900
Locality: Lucena
Province: Córdoba
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:15 to 14:00, Thursday also from 16:30 to 19:45
Tel.: 957500208

Location: Cordoba, Spain

This bank rating:
GD Star Rating
Branches and ATMs of Catalunya Caixa Bank in Cordoba, Spain 4 out of 5 based on 6 ratings.


CatalunyaCaixa is a financial institution that owns banking business of the  Caja de Ahorros de Catalunya, Tarragona i Manresa, a savings bank operating under the same brand, created after the merger of Caixa Catalunya, Caixa Tarragona and Caixa Manresa.  Read more »