Banks in Spain:

- ATMs and offices
- Contacts and maps
- Branches opening hours

Branches and ATMs of Barclays Bank Spain in Huelva

In the list below you'll find Branches and ATMs of Barclays Bank Spain in Huelva with addresses, contact phone numbers and office hours (if applicable).

List of Barclays Bank Offices and ATMs in Huelva, Spain

Branch 1186
CL RASCON 24-26.
HUELVA, ZIP Code: 21001
Telephone Number: 959 25.01.51
Fax: 959 54.11.05

Location: Huelva, Spain

This bank rating:
GD Star Rating
Branches and ATMs of Barclays Bank Spain in Huelva 4 out of 5 based on 56 ratings.

Barclays Spain

Since the beginning its operations in Spain in 1974, the Barclays Group has grown strongly and organically, by a continuous drive for innovation in products and services.  Read more »